Binocle profile


BINOCLE is the office led by Italian architect Lorenzo Bini that deals with the transformation of existing spaces, from temporary structures to permanent buildings and gardens.

Born in 1971 and educated in Milan and Oslo, Lorenzo graduated in 1998 from Politecnico di Milano and worked in Milan and Rotterdam until 2003 when he started his own practice in Milano.

Alongside the professional activity, Lorenzo has taught at the Politecnico di Milano, at the Design Academy Eindhoven and at NABA, Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti in Milan.

In 2021 he became a member of the Council of the Order of Architects, Landscape Planners and Conservators of the Province of Milan with responsibility for cultural activities.

Download Lorenzo Bini’s CURRICULUM VITAE:  [Italian]  [English]



Via Giuseppe Colombo 81/a 20133 Milan, Italy

+39 02 78625376


house b m

Originally built as a family house, this square-plan building located at a crossroads and flanked by a private garden was soon adapted to house a Montessori kindergarten.

After years of neglect following the school’s move, the property was purchased by a private client who decided to turn it into his residence.

The inclusion of a new circular staircase in exposed reinforced concrete, the reorganisation of the internal spaces and external elevations, the expansion of the basement and the texture of the little tower that hosts the new lift are the significant elements of this project.

Location: Milano, Italy
Client: Private
Year: 2016-2019
Status: Completed
Program: Residential
Photographs: Louis De Belle
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